So Intuitive, So Easy
We are so excited and proud of our product. With our codeless, modular and customizable Open Builder it’s very easy to create web applications like CRUD, web and app backend, REST api and much more.

It’s fully responsive out of the box. Don’t lose your mind anymore on media queries, pixels perfection and so on.
Project files are based on Codeigniter PHP framework while the database uses Mysql (MariaDB), soon the PostgreSQL version will also be available.
Visual Page Builder
It allows you through an online visual page builder to create, build and modify your project independently and for free.
It has a modular approach: you can use Open Builder with our default database and client or you can choose your preferred language to code the web client.
Clean Code
Programming skills are not necessary, however, to be able to customize your project in an advanced way the knowledge of basic PHP and HTML / CSS are required.
If you encounter problems with our product, we provide assistance through an online chat and ticketing system.